Bibliography of books with further details of the Pat Line and other E&E related subjects
This page updated 30 Sept 2024
Ayris, Cyril (1994) Bob Milton MC, The Man Who Stayed Behind PK Print Pty Ltd, Australia
Barclay, George (1976) Fighter Pilot (Ed. Humphrey Wynne) William Kimber
Bacquié, Bernard (2014) Des Héros Sans Importance Editions Latérales
Benet, Claude (2009) Passeurs, Fugitifs et Espions Le Pas d'oiseau
Braddon, Russell (1956) Nancy Wake Cassell
Bradford, Andrew (2009) Escape from Saint Valéry-en-Caux The History Press
Bickers, Richard Townsend (1992) Home Run Leo Cooper
Brome, Vincent (1957) The Way Back Cassell
Broussine, Georges (2000) L'évadé de la France Libre Tallandier
Caine Philip D (1997) Aircraft Down! Potomac Books
Cardigan, Earl of (1950) I Walked Alone Routledge and Keagan Paul
Caskie, Donald (1957) The Tartan Pimpernel Oldbourne Press
Chevalier, Hugues (2006) Crashs sur le Pas-de-Calais 1940-1945 Tournai Graphic
Clark, Freddie (1999) Agents by Moonlight Tempus Publishing
Clutton-Brock, Oliver (1994) Massacre Over The Marne Patrick Stephens Limited
Clutton-Brock, Oliver (2003) Footprints on the Sands of Time Grub Street
Clutton-Brock, Oliver (2009) RAF Evaders Grub Street
Cooper, Alan W (1988) Free to Fight Again William Kimber
Cooper, Captain Dick (1957) Adventures of a Secret Agent Frederick Muller
Cosgrove, Edmund (1970) The Evaders Clarke, Irwin & Co, Canada
Coss, Wesley G (2007) Stardust Falling published by the author
Cowburn, Ben (1960) No Cloak, No Dagger The Adventurers Club
Damer, Seán & Frazer, Ian (2006) On The Run - ANZAC Escape and Evasion in Enemy-Occupied Crete Penguin
Darling, Donald (1975) Secret Sunday William Kimber
Darling, Donald (1977) Sunday at Large William Kimber
David, Saul (1994) Churchill's Sacrifice of the Highland Division Brassy's
de Merode, Werner (1985) Deux evasions d'un pilote de chasse Editions J M Collet
Deane-Drummond, Anthony (1953) Return Ticket Collins
Dothie, W H (1985) Operation Disembroil Robert Hale
Dowding, Peter & Spillman, Ken (2023) Secret Agent, Unsung Hero Pen and Sword
Dumais, Lucian (1975) The Man Who Went Back Leo Cooper
Dumon, Andrée (2022) I haven't forgotten you Published on behalf of the author - click here for details
Duncan, Michael (1954) Underground from Posen William Kimber
Edgar, Donald (1983) Day of Reckoning John Clare Books
Evans, Alfred John (1921) The Escaping Club Bodley Head
Evans, A J (1945) Escape and Liberation 1940-1945 Hodder & Stoughton
Fittko, Lisa (2000) Escape Through the Pyrenees Northwestern University Press Jewish Lives paperback 
Foot MRD (1966) SOE in France HMSO 
Foot MRD & Langley JM (1979) MI9 Escape and Evasion 1939-45 Bodley Head
Fourcade, Marie-Madeleine (1974) Noah's Ark E P Dutton & Company NY
Fry, Varian (1945) Surrender on Demand Random House New York
Furniss-Roe, Bill (1987) Believed Safe William Kimber
Furse, Elizabeth & Barr, Ann (1993) Dream Weaver Chapmans
Gibbs, Patrick (1961) It's Further via Gibraltar Faber and Faber
Griffiths, Frank (1981) Winged Hours William Kimber
Hampshire, A Cecil (1974) On Hazardous Service William Kimber
Harding, Stephen (2019) Escape from Paris Da Capo Press
Hore, Peter (2016) Lindell's List The History Press
Howarth, David (1955) We Die Alone William Collins
Huguen, Roger (1976) Par les nuits les plus longues Coop Breizh
Huguen, Roger (2003) La Bretagne dans la bataille de l'Atlantique Coop Breizh
Huguen, Roger (2005) Chantier d'Evasions Carantec (1940-1944) Reseau Sibiril-Alliance Coop Breizh
Instone, Gordon (1953) Freedom the Spur Burke Publishing (later Pan Books)
James, David (1947) Escaper's Progress Blackwoods Magazine (later Brown & Watson and Corgi editions)
Janes, Keith (2017) They came from Burgundy Troubador - click here for details
Janes, Keith (2019) Express Delivery Troubador - click here for details
Janes, Keith (2023) Les colis du réseau François-Shelburn Traduit par Alain Prujiner et Line Ross L'Harmattan Paris
Janes, Peter Scott (2004) Conscript Heroes Paul Mould Publishers
Jeffery, Ron (1985) Red Runs the Vistula Nevron Associates, New Zealand
Jouan, Cecile (1948) Comète, histoire d'un ligne d'évasion Editions du Beffroi
Jullian, Marcel (1957) HMS Fidelity Souvenir Press
Kemp, Anthony (1986) The Secret Hunters Michael O'Mara
Knaggs, Bill (2001) The Easy Trip Perth & Kinross Libraries
Kramer, Rita (1995) Flames in the Field Michael Joseph
Lang, Derek (1974) Return to St Valery Leo Cooper
Langley, James M (1974) Fight Another Day Collins
Lavender, Emerson & Sheffe, Norman (1992) The Evaders McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Canada
Le Blanc, Philippe (2015) Comète, le réseau derrière la ligne DD Memogrammes
Lett Gordon (1955) Rossano Hodder & Stoughton
Liddell Hart, Basil (1970) History of the Second World War Cassell
Long, Helen (1985) Safe Houses are Dangerous William Kimber
Lyman, Robert (2014) The Jail Busters Quercus
Magener Rolf (1954) Prisoners' Bluff Rupert Hart-Davis (originally Die Chance War Null Ullstein, Vienna)
Marks, Leo (1999) Between Silk and Cyanide Harper Collins
Marriott, Edward (2005) Claude and Madeleine Picador
Marshall, Robert (1988) All the King's Men William Collins
Mavré, Marcel (2006) La Guerre 39-45 Dans le Ciel de L'Oise Editions Delattre
Meynell, Laurence (1963) Airmen on the Run Odham Press
Milner, Charles (Hamilton, Guy & Seddon, Ronald) (2015) HM MTB 718 Something Special York Publishing Services
Moore, William (1986) The Long Way Round Leo Cooper/Secker & Warburg
Murphy, Brendan (1987) Turncoat Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Orlando, Fla. 32887
Nabarro, Derrick (1952) Wait for the Dawn Cassell
Neave, Airey (1953) They Have Their Exits Hodder & Stoughton
Neave, Airey (1954) Little Cyclone Hodder & Stoughton
Neave, Airey (1969) Saturday at MI9 Hodder & Stoughton
Newman, Philip (1983) Safer Than a Known Way William Kimber
Nilsson, Lars-Axel & Sandberg, Leif A (1996) Blockade Runners - English version published by the authors
Nouveau, Louis (1958) Des Capitaines Par Milliers Calman-Levy
Ottis, Sherri (2001) Silent Heroes: Downed Airmen and the French Underground University Press Kentucky
Pateman, Colin & Clutton-Brock, Oliver (2012) Unwanted Hero Fonthill
Penna, Cyril (1987) Escape and Evasion United Writers Cornwall
Postel-Vinay, André (1997) Un fou s'evade Félin, Paris
Potten, Charles (1986) 7 x X x 90 K Gandy and C Potten
Prosser David G (1945) Journey Underground E P Dutton & Company, New York
Rake, Denis (1968) Rake's Progress Leslie Frewin
Rawicz, Slavomir (1956) The Long Walk Chiswick Press or The Book Society
Rawlings, Barney (1994) Off We Went (Into the Wild Blue Yonder) privately published
Reid, P R (1952) The Colditz Story Hodder & Stoughton
Reid, P R (1953) The Latter Days at Colditz Hodder & Stoughton
Richards, Brooks (1996) Secret Flotillas HMSO
Richardson, Anthony (1953) Wingless Victory Companion Book Club
Richardson, Derek (2004) Detachment W Paul Mould Publishers
Robertson, Henry Ord (1989) Dangerous Landing Patrick Stephens
Rougeyron, Andre (1996) Agents for Escape Louisiana State University Press (orig Agents d'Evasion 1947)
Ryman, Robert (2012) Operation Suicide Quercus
Schadlich, Georg Martin (2000) Tales from Colditz Castle Thomas Schadlich
Scott, Lionel (1988) Parachuting to Danger Robert Hale (orig I Dropped In 1959)
Shiber, Etta (1943) Paris-Underground Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (reprinted by Time-Life 1989)
Simpson, William (1942) One of Our Pilots is Safe Hamish Hamilton
Slade, Timandra (2022) From a Hard Place to a Rock Troubador
Spiller, Herbert J (1988) Ticket to Freedom William Kimber
Teare, T D G (1954) Evader Hodder & Stoughton
Tessonneau, Rémy (1946) Jacques l'Amie d'Achille Chassany
Thomas, Jack (1955) No Banners W H Allen
Tickell, Jerrard (1949) Odette Chapman & Hall
Verity, Hugh (2000) We Landed by Moonlight - revised version Crecy (orig 1978 Ian Allen)
Wake, Nancy (1985) White Mouse Pan Australia
Walters, Anne-Marie (2009) Moondrop to Gascony Moho Books (orig 1946 Macmillan)
West, Nigel (1992) Secret War Hodder & Stoughton
Wynne, Barry (1961) No Drums … No Trumpets Arthur Baker Limited

Young, Gordon (1959) In Trust & Treason Studio Vista

Note that I am not recommending all these books (some of them are rubbish) but In addition to those books mentioned in the text there are several that I believe deserve special mention. We Landed by Moonlight and Secret Flotillas are classic reference works - the latter concerning the sea evacuations from France. No Banners is the story of Alfred and Henry Newton, extraordinary men that my dad met at Miranda and who went on to join SOE, whilst Between Silk and Cyanide is simply a great read which also happens to give remarkable insight to SOE personnel and operations. I Walked Alone is an excellent account by the Earl of Cardigan who walked from Belgium to the ZNO in 1940 and kept a diary. Saturday at MI9 gives a good overview of several escape lines whilst Little Cyclone is the story of the Belgian Comete line. PS. Should you come across the book They Fought Alone by John Keats whilst looking for Buckmaster's book of the same name, then grab it. It is a spectacular tale of evasion from another theatre of war and the story of one of my personal heroes, Wendell Fertig. Also highly recommended are The Long Walk by Slav Rawicz, an incredible story of endurance by escapers who walked 3,000 miles from Siberia to India in 1941, and Prisoners' Bluff by Rolf Magener, the story of two German internees held in India who escaped to Japanese forces in Burma.
I should also like to draw your attention to Oliver Clutton-Brock's 2009 book RAF Evaders. It is a particularly authorative and well written study of WW2 escapers and evaders in Western Europe and together with his Footprints on the Sands of Time, which details Bomber Command POWs in Germany, should be on every researcher's book-shelf.
During my research for They came from Burgundy, the 2007 book Stardust Falling was brought to my attention. Written and published by American evader Wesley Coss, it is by far the best of its kind I have ever read.